

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Making some Progress

Hattie girl still hasn't slept. The doctors and her surgeon just did rounds and said that she is doing really well.  They removed the two drainage tubes from her chest, took out the line for the temporary pacemaker, and removed the large IV from her neck.  I don't know if is was harder on her or on Paul and me.  That was an awful thing to have to watch her go through.  I'm not sure that we've ever heard her cry like that.  Poor kiddo!  Our hope is that maybe now that she is calm again that getting so worked up will tire her out and she'll finally give in and sleep.

In order to remove the chest tubes, they had to take the dressing off of her incision.  It's the first time we've seen it and honestly, we were pretty surprised by how good it looks.  It's about 3.5" long, but is a very clean cut. They closed it with stitches inside and steri strips on the outside.  She has three holes under it from the drainage tubes and the temp pacemaker wire that they put in just in case the heart rythyms are off once they close up the chest.  Thankfully, hers were fine and they didn't need to use it.

She has been eating well today - a few bites of scrambled egg, some blueberry muffin and some yogurt.  Later this morning, she took a few bites of banana. So that is great.


  1. Good job Hattie!! It is so great to hear the continued good news. I hope the next update comes after a long nap! ❤️

  2. Thanks for the updates. Continuing to pray for all of you. Saw Owen with your parents across the way after church this morning, but didn't get a chance to go over and talk to them.
