

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Little Bit of Peace in My Heart Tonight

For the first time since we found out the we lost Abby on June 7, I am feeling a sense of peace in my heart tonight.  We were fortunate enough to be able to celebrate her with our priest, deacon and leader of faith formation at our church this morning through the Rite of Naming.

I had thought a lot about contacting our priest and deacon, but didn't really know what to ask for.  We couldn't do a funeral because we didn't have her body and do you really do funerals for babies that weren't born?  I thought about a blessing, but again, can you bless someone that isn't physically there?  In the end, a friend of mine encouraged me to contact them because faith is an important part of our life and she thought it would comfort us.

Both were extremely gracious and offered to celebrate her life with us with the Rite of Naming - something that we had never heard of.  We had a private service this morning where we were able to officially name her and have her blessed.  The formality of it made me feel like she was acknowledged, that she existed and confirmed that God loves her more than Paul and I ever could on earth and He has welcomed her into heaven.  We were able to write her name in the book that contains the names of the parishioners that passed away this year and they will all be read at the All Saints Day mass.

Both Fr. Mike and Deacon Rich mentioned that they wish more couples would come forward during miscarriages to pray with them and to celebrate the rite.  I am so glad that we did because I feel like I  have a sense of peace and hopefully my heart can begin to heal.

Two other things that I found that have brought be a lot of comfort are this photo and this quote.


"Every soul that comes into this world comes here with a very specific mission. When that mission is completed, the soul can leave. The holiest of souls need so little time here in this world that some never even make it outside the womb, others only need their heart to beat once, others not even that.
We cannot understand God's ways, but we believe that everything happens for a reason and that nothing is random."

Thursday, June 27, 2013


This post is a very long and personal one - one that I’ve gone back and forth about writing.  It’s putting a lot out there, and it could make people uncomfortable to read if they feel it's something that should be kept private.  On the other hand, if I don’t write it, I’m not acknowledging something very important that has happened in our family over the last few months - something that has caused Paul and me great joy and also tremendous heartbreak.

When Owen was born, it didn’t go anything like we had imagined it would be.  I had a placental abruption at 29 weeks, he was in distress, so he was born via emergency C-section.  It was scary, chaotic and traumatic.  Not to be too graphic, but between the puddles of blood that I left in my car, parking lot and hallway as I walked into the hospital, the moments that I didn’t breathe while we waited to discover if our baby was still alive, the visit from the Neonatologist telling us that a baby born at 29 weeks could be born deaf, blind, have cerebral palsy, or worse, then on to our chaotic 7 weeks in the NICU, watching Owen have awful tests and medical procedures performed on him, hearing the monitors beep each time he held his breath and his heart stopped…. I really didn’t think I ever wanted to go through childbirth again. I knew our situation wasn’t normal, but it was all that we knew and it was very difficult on us.  Many nights, I sobbed all the way through the hospital to the parking ramp because no matter what I did, I wasn’t able to produce enough milk and Owen had horrible reflux when we’d have to supplement his feedings with formula.  The stress and the guilt were overwhelming.  I’d be so excited to hear that they were able to up his feeds, but then it would hit me that it was more milk I needed to produce and wouldn’t be able to.  Through all of it, we remained incredibly grateful that our beautiful boy was healthy and that we were at a hospital as amazing as Children’s. When the time came, we took our baby home and the chaos of being first time parents began. I tucked away the feelings I had about his birth.

When he was 6 months old, I had testing done to determine why I had the placental abruption and thankfully, they weren’t able to find anything wrong with me.  The doctor said that I had a 10% chance of it happening with a second pregnancy and that the odds would go up approximately 10% each time I had one.  I went home and did a lot of reading about them and discovered that in many cases, the mother doesn’t live through an abruption because of the blood loss. That struck me hard for two reasons.  One, because I have very vivid memories of the blood loss.  As I mentioned before, I lost a lot of blood and physically seeing it pool at my feet was a scary thing.  After they had me change to a gown, my legs were covered with blood and the doctors and nurses all were continuously looking back and forth from my pile of bloody clothes to each other with a very alarmed look on their faces. Those looks are etched in my brain and I don't know that I'll ever forget them. Secondly, I know it sounds crazy, but at the time, it never crossed my mind that something could happen to me. In my mind, bleeding meant something was wrong with our baby, so I was busy pleading with God to protect him.  Since then, I’ve been haunted by the thought that if I got pregnant again and something happened to me, Owen would grow up thinking that he wasn’t good enough so I had to try for another baby, leaving him to grow up without a mom.  I've also dwelled on what kind of a mom I would be to Owen if I had another abruption and lost the baby late in the pregnancy.  Was I strong enough to deal with that kind of grief and be a good mom?

Over the years, more people than I can count have reminded us that Owen needs a sibling and that we better get going.  I just never felt ready to go through that again.  I knew that another pregnancy would not be a relaxed, joy-filled pregnancy, as I’d worry about every single cramp, pain, ligament stretch, movement, or lack of movement by the baby.  Paul and I talked about adoption and about whether or not we were okay with Owen being an only child, but never made a final decision on those just in case I reached a point where I did feel ready.  Paul was always supportive and left the decision up to me.  I don’t want Owen to be alone as he grows up and I know how much love Paul and I have to give another child.  We have always envisioned our family to be a family of 4.  So, after a lot of soul searching, I came to the conclusion that the decision couldn't be left up to me because I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to put my fears aside.  I decided to trust my faith and put it in God’s hands and if it was meant to be, I would get pregnant and maybe by me not having to make the decision, it would help eliminate some of the anxiety.

Very shortly after that, I got pregnant.  I couldn’t wait to take a test and share the news with Paul.  Pregnancy tests are supposed to take two minutes, but I swear, those two lines appeared in two seconds flat.  We were both so excited.  Paul was secretly hoping for a girl and I was hoping for another boy, although as cliché as it sounds, we just wanted a healthy baby and a normal birth experience.  As many of you know, I suffer from pretty debilitating migraines that are hormone related, so pregnancy is not a very fun time for me (or Paul or Owen either!).  I had 11 migraines in the first 5 weeks.  Add that to “all-day” sickness, a cold that I couldn’t seem to shake and trying to be a mom to a 3 year old and it wasn’t an easy first trimester.  During those first few weeks, I started seeing a counselor that deals with pregnancies after traumatic births and was slowly working through my fears and anxieties.

Because of my placental abruption with my first pregnancy, I went back to the specialist that did the testing on me instead of my normal OBGYN.  My first appointment was a lot different than last time around.  They did an ultrasound, so Paul and I got to see the baby and its crazy fast heartbeat of 174 bpm.  We even got to bring home photos of the baby!  With Owen, we didn’t have an ultrasound until 20 weeks.  We were excited to learn that our due date was December 27 - a Christmas baby!  As the weeks passed on, I started weighing the options of doing another C-section or having a VBAC, we starting talking about names, I ordered Owen an adorable fire truck themed BIG BROTHER shirt, and I created a cute little photo of Owen with Santa to share the news with all of you that Santa had an extra special present for Owen…he was going to be a big brother!  We bought paint and new bedding and planned to switch Owen to a big boy room so the baby could use the crib/toddler bed that he currently sleeps in.

I think most of all, we were just so, so excited to share the news with Owen.  He is incredibly sweet and gentle with babies and he will be an amazing big brother.  We wanted to wait a few more days until our next appointment and make sure that all was well before we told him, but it was getting harder and harder to wait.  We just wanted him to be able to share in our joy!

I woke up in the night on June 6 and felt some tightening in my stomach.  It wasn’t overly painful and I wasn't bleeding, so through my paranoia, I convinced myself that I could wait until the morning to go to the doctor.  Even though I feared I'd hear bad news, I really, truly thought they’d do an ultrasound, show me the baby was fine and send me home.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I sat in the waiting room with all the pregnant women.  I was extremely nervous and scared. When the ultrasound popped up on the screen, the all-too-familiar forgetting to breathe thing happened again.  I could see the baby on the screen right away, but the difference was that this time, there was no crazy fast heartbeat.  Our baby was gone and by its size, they could tell that it had been gone for a couple of weeks.  A missed miscarriage they called it.  My mind automatically thought, “How did I not know?  I swear, I felt the baby moving just the day before.  Where was my mother’s intuition?”  Because I honestly thought the outcome would be okay, I had told Paul that he didn’t need to come to the appointment, so I called him at work and he met me at the hospital.  We sat in a little family waiting room talking about the options with the doctor. We could go home and wait days or weeks for nature to do its thing, but because the baby had passed away a few weeks prior, there were risks of infection and it could happen while I was at the grocery store, at work or wherever and I’d be on my own to handle it. I couldn’t do that.  I could take medication to induce labor, be checked into the hospital for up to 48 hours (in a room near all the moms who had just delivered their babies) and go through labor to deliver the baby, (nope) or I could have a D&C.  The thought of the procedure bothers me - I don’t like being put under, but it was quick, fairly painless and I could get on the road to healing instead of having to wait for it to happen.  We opted for the D&C.

The people at United were amazing.  I not only received top-notch care, but they hugged me, cried with me and many of the nurses shared personal stories with me of their own babies that had gone to heaven.  One nurse, whose only contact with me was to take my pre-op blood pressure, gave me a huge hug and reminded me that this baby was real, it existed and to honor it.  I've even had nurses call me within the last few days just to tell me that they are thinking of me and ask me if I need anything.  At the time I was in a haze and it didn’t touch me like it does now, but as I look back, the staff was pretty incredible and have contributed to my healing, both physically and mentally.

A few days later, I was having a hard time just lying around and was anxious to get back to my normal routine so I could have some distraction.  I was healing okay physically over the weekend, but then on Monday, I started experiencing excruciating cramps and very bad clotting. I ended up in the ER and at first, they mentioned that they may have to do another D&C.  I was heartbroken all over again.  Paul was in St. Louis at a conference, so he hopped on a plane and headed back so he could be there with me.  Fortunately, after several hours of waiting, an IV of pain meds and fluids, they sent me home to heal and I didn’t have to have the D&C done again.

My nurses warned me that it takes a while for your brain to catch up and that is true.  I would feel cramping those first few days and think, “Oh no! I hope the baby is okay." Then I’d have to relive the pain all over again as I came to the realization that there wasn’t a baby any longer.

Last Friday I went in for my follow-up appointment and I am healthy and healing nicely.  At the time of my D&C, I signed a consent form for them to do some testing on the baby and on my tissue so they could determine a cause.  Science is a pretty amazing thing.  My doctor was able to go through the lab results and explain to me more about why it happened.  I met with a genetic counselor and she explained that our baby had Turner’s Syndrome (which occurs when a baby is conceived with only one chromosome, or one healthy and one damaged one instead of the normal 2).  Many times, babies with TS pass away early on in the pregnancy.  Some make it to 20-30 weeks and are born stillborn, so we are grateful that we lost our baby at 12 weeks instead of at 30.   Often times, parents are asked if they want to abort instead of having to go through having a stillborn baby. Again, we are grateful that we never were asked to consider that because we couldn't have done it.  1% of babies with TS are born and can live outside the womb, but don’t have ovaries, don’t develop breasts, can have physical deformities, their organs often times develop outside their body and they have to endure numerous surgeries.  I can’t imagine our baby having to live that life.  We believe God is good and although it hurts us to not have her here with us, His plan was to welcome our baby to heaven where she could be healthy and happy.

At my appointment, the genetic counselor shared with us that our baby was a girl.  We’ve decided to honor her by naming her Abigail Helene Mordorski.

There are so many things that are hard about a miscarriage.  People don’t know how to talk about it or what to say, and we understand, because neither do we.  We want our friends and family to know, but there is no good point in the conversation to say, “By the way, we are grieving the loss of our child….”  I think that is why so many people grieve privately. There are probably people that don’t understand why we are grieving a baby that we never got to meet and because we weren’t very far along in the pregnancy.  The best way that I can describe it is not only did we lose our daughter, but our hopes and dreams for who she would become and how she would change us and our family.  We lost her first smile, first "mama," first steps, first date, her graduation, her wedding... her everything. We grieve because it took courage, anxiety, tears, prayer and faith to be able to open our hearts to the possibility of her and after all that, she doesn't even get to be here with us. Life moves on and some days it is comforting to have a routine to follow.  Other days, I just wish I could lay in bed and cry because I feel empty without her and because we won’t get to meet her here on earth.

There weren’t a lot of resources available for us when we were "pregnant after having a traumatic birth," but (sadly), now there are a lot of support groups, books, online groups, etc., that are available for parents who’ve lost a baby.  For that I’m grateful.  I’m grateful that these brave women started the groups and are open to sharing their stories in order to help other parents heal. It sometimes feels like the easiest place to be is at my support group because these women understand and they get that grief is cyclical.  One meeting they cry with me, the next we can laugh together.

We’ve told a few of our close friends and family members about losing Abby and we've been blessed abundantly with prayers, well wishes, meals, flowers, cards, offers to take Owen so we can have some time alone to grieve, etc.  People have been amazing and we appreciate the love, support and prayers more than we can tell you.  These past few weeks have reiterated to us that while we may not always understand God’s plan for us, He puts amazing people in our lives to walk our journey with us and help us through the hard times. 

I guess the one thing that we hope is that Abby won't be forgotten.  We know you didn’t get to share in the joy and anticipation of welcoming her with us and your first introduction to her has been us telling you that we are grieving her loss, but she is very real to us.  She existed and we’ll never forget our little girl.

Abigail Helene Mordorski
(The dark spot in her head is Abby's brain and if you look closely, you can see her cheeks and nose in the profile of her face to the right of her brain.  Her feet are at the bottom right.)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June Fun at Heidi's

I love photos, so it warms my heart that Heidi takes a ton of pictures of the kids throughout the month and then posts them on her website for us to download.  Here are a few of the fun things they've done so far in the month of June.
Watched caterpillars turn into butterflies, then released them outside
 But they got to hold them several times before saying good-bye to their new friends
 Being silly on purple day!  They made "purple" with shaving cream and red and blue food coloring.  They also made bunches of grapes with purple paint and their thumbs.
 One of O's favorite things to do at Heidi's - riding the bikes, scooters and big wheels
 The gang playing outside - even Cody the doggie!
 Nicky (Heidi's youngest son, Jake, Madison, Owen and Luke
 Heidi rented a jump tent and Owen had a BLAST!  He was so animated when he told us about how much fun it was.

Happy Father's Day 2013

This morning Owen and I made breakfast for Paul and then anxiously helped him to open his presents.  Owen is one lucky kiddo.  Paul is a pretty amazing dad.  He is patient, fun, playful and best of all, full of love for his little man.

Opening gifts with Daddy
 We made this for Daddy to hang in his garage over his tool box.  Owen picked out Handy Manny stickers and nuts, bolts and washers from Daddy's tool box to decorate the frame with.
 Owen made this at Heidi's for Paul
 And favorite is "My Daddy is fast like a....Bear!"
 Having fun with his Papa - another amazing dad!

A Day in the Life of a Fire Fighter

Yesterday was a dream come true for Owen.  The four fire stations in Woodbury held open houses so the residents could tour the stations, sit in the trucks and visit with the fire fighters.  O was in complete heaven!
Checking out the ambulance
 He had to wear his fire fighter hat to the fire station
 Hi Mama!  I am driving the fire truck!!!
 Checking out the fire fighters' coats, boots and helmets
 This fire fighter was demonstrating why you should NEVER put water on a grease fire....

 Woodbury's smallest fire fighter
 Sully and Owen checking out the driver seat of the fire truck

Saturday, June 1, 2013


This weekend has been such a fun one for Owen!  After Heidi's yesterday, we met up with his friend Liam at the Y for swimming lessons.  It was their last class and they have learned so much since they started!  It was hard to imagine my baby in the pool by himself several weeks ago and now he's in and out of the pool, hanging onto the side, floating, kicking....all without us!  After swimming, we went to Liam's house for pizza.  The daddys did some demo work in their bathroom and the boys had a BLAST running and playing together.

Awhile back, Liam's mom found a karate class that she thought the boys might enjoy, so we signed them up and today was the first day.  They couldn't have looked any cuter in their gees!  The other kids in their class had been going for some time, so Owen and Liam were the newbies.  I was really proud of them - they listened and tried hard to follow along.

 Owen and Liam on the left, stretching out
 Owen "protecting his nose"
 Hi-YA - chopping the paper
 At the end of class, they all went through an obstacle course.  O loved it!
 Balancing on the half balls
 Doing a forward roll
 Doing a backwards roll
 All the way over!
 Owen (L), Liam, and their class
 Bowing as he leaves the ring!
 I think it was a success!  They both liked it and did really well!

And if that wasn't a fun enough start to the weekend, Ronda called and invited the boys to come play today, so now they are with their pal Sully and are being loved to bits at her house!