Each year, I tell myself that Owen's birthday will be less emotional for me because it is further and further from his actual birth. But every year, I am overcome by just how far my miracle boy had come. He is such a smart, kind, friendly, empathetic boy. He is a fantastic big brother and would do anything for Hattie.
At age 5, Owen loves to play soccer, roller blade, ride his scooter, ice skate, play Legos and swim. His favorite foods are pancakes, broccoli, steak, crab legs, and berries. Preschool has made this boy who used to eat anything, a bit pickier. He doesn't like crusts on his bread, doesn't like foods to touch and will take the obligatory bite or two of meat, but it isn't his favorite. Now if I put fruit or veggies in front of him, he'll gobble them right up. So he eats lots of Greek yogurt, scrambled eggs and peanut butter for protein. He is 45" tall and weighs 44 pounds.
Owen is very good at brushing his teeth, he goes to bed very easily and stays dry through the night. He loves school and has made a lot of friends this year. Several of the teachers at school have commented to me about what a nice boy he is. That warms my heart to hear!
Each year, I ask Owen a few questions and its so fun to hear what he has to say. This year, his answers are pretty grown up!
How old is mom? 73
What is your favorite show? Paw Patrol
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know yet, but maybe a police officer
What's your favorite color? Blue, yellow and green
What is your favorite food? Candy, but that's not an everyday food, so I'll pick broccoli because I can eat it whenever I want to
Who are your best friends? Ben Skiba, Sully and Liam. And you and Dad. And Hattie too.
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Go skating
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Play Legos
What is your favorite thing to do with Hattie? Make her laugh
How high can you count? He counts to 100 and then says he's too bored to keep going
What is your favorite book? Stink books
Keelin and Isaiah
Lucy and Piper
Sully and Ben playing with Owen
Finn, Owen and Isaiah
Isaiah and Owen
Sully and Owen
A little embarrassed that everyone is singing to him
0 girlfriends!
Paw Patrol cupcakes
On Sunday, we let Owen pick where he wanted to go have a special birthday dinner. He chose to have tepanyaki dinner at Osaka. It was a really fun time and he enjoyed it.
Happy 5th birthday sweet boy. I couldn't love you any more than I do!