

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Officer Owen, Reporting for Duty

On the way home from work yesterday, I heard that it was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.  It was too late at that point to do much, but I knew I wanted to do something and get Owen involved too, because it was a good lesson in gratitude.  This morning he made a thank you card and I picked up some goodies and we went to the police station.  It just so happens that one of my good friends became a police officer in Woodbury this fall, so Owen got a full station tour.  He wore his police officer uniform and was in heaven!  When we left, he said, "Mom, that was just too cool!  It was more than I expected!"

Officer Rice (or Miss Steph as Owen knows her) showing him the inside of her squad and how her laptop tells her about what call she is going on.
 Getting to check out the garage full of police cars
  Owen with some of the officers that were there.  They ooo'd and aaaahhh'd over his uniform and said that they could use more help.  They asked if he'd work for them and he just giggled and said, "I can't, I'm only four and a half!"  They were so amazing with him.  He was in heaven.  My intent was to go do something kind for them and to bless them for all the sacrifices they make, but Miss Steph made it so special for Owen that we were the ones that were blessed!

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