

Saturday, November 29, 2014

North Pole Breakfast 2014

Each year, our beloved elf, Jolly, makes his grand entrance by bringing us a "North Pole" Breakfast.  It's a day that I look forward to every year.  Owen gets so excited - his face just lights up when he comes down and sees Jolly and a table full of sugary breakfast treats.  Owen said how delicious it all was and he said, "I'm so glad Jolly brings this breakfast for us so that you don't have cook breakfast for us Mama."

Jolly's first stop - on our advent calendar

 Bacon, hash browns, cinnamon rolls, donuts, raspberry & yogurt parfait, powdered sugar donuts and hot cocoa with Christmas tree marshmallows.  This breakfast has more sugar than he eats all week normally!
 Raspberry yogurt parfaits

 Jolly serves us with special holiday dishes.  He makes everything so special.  Look at what Jolly left for Hattie.
 He left a 2014 ornament for Owen to put on his tree.
 Who is this crazy guy hanging from the star?

Tails, Hattie's New Room and Meeting Great Grandma Flossie

Owen loved a book called Tails when he was a baby.  Specifically, he loved the peacock page.
Miss Hattie is equally enthralled with it.
 Sweet smile from a sweet girl
 Mommy and Owen ice skating
 Hattie's bedroom
 My friend Jackie made these cute prints for Hattie's walls

 Hattie Mommy has an addiction to headbands and barrettes
 Miss Hattie got to meet her Great Grandma Flossie at Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Do they look alike?

So many people keep telling me that they see Owen in Hattie.  I don't see it in person, but I sometimes catch a glimpse in pictures.  What do you think?  Do they look alike?


Owen's First Conferences

We had O's first school conferences last night.  We were very pleased to hear that he's doing extremely well in school.  Miss Carla said that they do an assessment of the kids at the beginning, middle and then at the end of the year.  At the assessment they did of Owen at the beginning, he knew all of his body parts, all of the colors and shapes, he could recognize all of the lower case letters and upper case letters and tell what sound each makes and he could count to 40.  She said he's a very polite little boy who uses his manners without being prompted.  He shares well, enjoys writing and riding bikes and is a good eater.  She said he has made friends well and she's starting to see the real Owen come out of his shell.  She got to hear his contagious belly laugh yesterday at lunch.

She said the one thing that he struggles with is staying focused and getting tasks completed.  She used the word "turtle."  We struggle with this at home too, so we understand!  It takes several reminders to get through brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating dinner, etc.  So, we'll keep working on that.

We are so happy that he is adjusting well and enjoying preschool!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2 Month Old Hattie

It's hard to believe that Miss Hattie Jo is already two months old!  That time sure has gone quickly!  I have to say, the last several weeks with with her have been a little rough!  She is pretty fussy and had thrush, which made it hurt when we fed her, so she'd scream bloody murder when we gave her bottles.  Thankfully she is eating just fine now.  I think she has just learned that she doesn't like to be put down, so she fusses.  Smart little girl!  I remember Ronda telling me very early on with Owen that babies/kids are manipulators.  At first I was taken aback - my little angel a manipulator? No, he couldn't be!  Man, was she ever right!  And Hattie Jo is no exception!

In between the fussy times though, she has her great times!  She reacts to us now and smiles when we talk to her.  When we wiggle our tongue and make noise, she tries to copy us.  She even rolled over from her tummy to her back twice last week.  Unfortunately, she didn't do it for us, so we haven't seen it yet.  Paul and I were laughing about how we wanted so badly for Owen to roll over, crawl, walk, etc. but we are in no hurry for this little girl to become mobile.  It changes the whole ball game when they do!

She hasn't been sleeping for long stretches during the day, just taking catnaps, but then sleeps from like 7:30PM-3:30AM.  That sure makes for a happier mommy and daddy! 

She had her two month well baby check this morning and she is weighing in at 11lbs, 7oz (53%ile), is 24" tall (97%ile) and her head is 16" (97%ile).  Her pediatrician is happy with how she is gaining and growing. 

I want to be a ballerina!
 You're so funny Mommy!
 Cousin Ruby doesn't know what to think of this fussy girl...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


You hear so many stories about kids not being happy about their new siblings coming home.  We've been so incredibly lucky in that Owen LOVES Hattie.  He is so caring and sweet towards her.  He calls her his little Hattie Bear and is first to run over to her if she cries.  He loves to lay next to her and talk to her.  Now that she is starting to do more, he gets so excited if she coos at him or grasps his finger.  I hope they always love each other this much!
Snuggling with his Hattie Bear
 "Mom, she grabbed my finger!"

Happy Halloween - Well, maybe not!

Halloween was rough at our house this year!  It was a week filled with activities and fun events and by the time Friday rolled around, Owen was exhausted and acting out.  He had a really fun day at school where he got to wear his costume, play Halloween games, parade through the school for the big kids to see and exchange candy with his friends in the dolphin room.  By the time he got home, he was grouchy about eating dinner, and was testing his limits.  We were supposed to go out trick-or-treating with our neighbors, but he refused to put either a coat or multiple shirts on under his costume.  After a few time outs and him being disrespectful, we decided that he wasn't going out trick-or-treating.  Little did he know that it broke our hearts probably more than his.  The one thing that made me feel better was that he brought home a huge bag of candy and treats from school, so it wasn't like he "needed" any more candy.  It's the experience that I felt bad for him to be missing out on. 

He actually really enjoyed handing out the candy, but then midway through the evening, he lost it again over where the bowl of candy was going to sit.  So, he ended up heading to bed. :(  The weekend only got worse from there, but thankfully, by Monday, he was back to his normal self again!  Mom and Dad might not have been able to handle another day!!!

Miss Hattie's costume was way too big, so this was her Halloween outfit.  She is really starting to smile and interact now, so she is getting pretty fun!