It's hard to believe that Miss Hattie Jo is already two months old! That time sure has gone quickly! I have to say, the last several weeks with with her have been a little rough! She is pretty fussy and had thrush, which made it hurt when we fed her, so she'd scream bloody murder when we gave her bottles. Thankfully she is eating just fine now. I think she has just learned that she doesn't like to be put down, so she fusses. Smart little girl! I remember Ronda telling me very early on with Owen that babies/kids are manipulators. At first I was taken aback - my little angel a manipulator? No, he couldn't be! Man, was she ever right! And Hattie Jo is no exception!
In between the fussy times though, she has her great times! She reacts to us now and smiles when we talk to her. When we wiggle our tongue and make noise, she tries to copy us. She even rolled over from her tummy to her back twice last week. Unfortunately, she didn't do it for us, so we haven't seen it yet. Paul and I were laughing about how we wanted so badly for Owen to roll over, crawl, walk, etc. but we are in no hurry for this little girl to become mobile. It changes the whole ball game when they do!
She hasn't been sleeping for long stretches during the day, just taking catnaps, but then sleeps from like 7:30PM-3:30AM. That sure makes for a happier mommy and daddy!
She had her two month well baby check this morning and she is weighing in at 11lbs, 7oz (53%ile), is 24" tall (97%ile) and her head is 16" (97%ile). Her pediatrician is happy with how she is gaining and growing.
I want to be a ballerina!
You're so funny Mommy!
Cousin Ruby doesn't know what to think of this fussy girl...