Today was Owen's 4 year well child check up. I was shocked how far out the appointments were when I called to make the appointment! He is 42" tall (82nd percentile), 39 pounds (80th percentile) and has a BMI of 15.9.
The doctor asked him about what kinds of foods he likes to eat and he responded with "broccoli." She asked him to spell his name and count to 10, hop on one foot, walk on his tip toes and walk on his heels with his toes pointing up. He did all of those things and said, "easy!"
We talked a lot about his asthma plan and adjusted it down to just using his inhalers when needed instead of twice a day. His pediatrician was very happy with how he had grown, how smart he is and just his overall personality. He had to get one shot at the very end and he said, "Ouch!" but didn't shed a tear or make a fuss. I was very proud of him for a great check up.
In our everyday lives, four has been tough so far. O tests every limit, and we struggle most with him having responses to every consequence. For example, if we tell him that how he is acting isn't okay and if he chooses to keep doing it, we'll take away XXX or we won't go to XXX. He comes back with, "Well I will just go downstairs and get it" or "I'll just walk there by myself if you won't take me." It's so hard to not get engaged in little arguments with him. The other thing right now is not listening. We have to tell him to do everything 12 times and then threaten to take away XXX or not go to XXXX. It's exhausting some days.
We deal with this many times a day, but we do also have some really great moments too and he can be pretty funny at times. The other day, he told me that if the baby is a girl, he thinks her name should be Sparkles. But then he told me that if it is a girl, that we have to either throw her away of give her back to God because her bow tie (hair bow) will get wet in the tub. Tonight I asked him to do something and he replied, "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy mom!" I had to chuckle at that one! Not sure where it came from, but it was cute.
He is dead set on wearing only pants with pockets because then he is "like a police." He has three shirts that have patches sewed on them and he insists on wearing a "badge" shirt every day for the same reason. Every day he dresses up in a fireman costume and he chases Paul around the house because Paul is the robber and he is the police.
Love this little man, even on the days that he tried us the most. :)