

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!  We had such a wonderful day today - we hope you did too!  We started off the day searching for eggs and the goodies that the Easer Bunny left at our house.

 That Easter Bunny is pretty sneaky!  He hides eggs all over the place!
" Reese's Pieces!  I love these in the whole world Mom!"
 The Easter Bunny enlisted Teddy's help...holding onto a baseball glove for Owen
 "I'm going to be a baseball guy!"

 After we found all of the eggs, we headed to mass.  Unfortunately, someone became ill in church and as we were leaving, an ambulance was parked right by the door.  Owen was enthralled by it!  He wanted to follow it, but we explained that the person inside was sick, so the ambulance was taking them to the hospital.  He said, "Awww, that's not good.  We can make them a card to make them feel better.  I'll color it green!"  Love my kind-hearted boy!

After mass, we headed to Paul's Aunt Laurie and Uncle Scott's house for brunch.  Owen had a great time playing with his 2nd cousin Emily.

Uncle Scott, Owen and Em watching Goldie
 Aunt Laurie and Uncle Scott put together a super fun egg hunt for Owen and Emily

 Em helping Owen find some eggs

 Emily and Owen
 Checking out all of their loot!  These two made out like bandits!
 Showing cousin Chrissy his bubble guns
 Great Grandma Flossie (90) and Owen (3) The funny thing is that she was all smiles and so happy to be having her picture taken with Owen and he was crying because he wanted to go play and I was asking him to sit still for a picture.  Funny how that is not at all how this looks!
 Uncle Bob, Owen and Auntie Dawnie
After stopping home for a nap, we met up with Nana and Papa for dinner. Eating cheeseburgers and fruit is hard work!
Look at this cute little bunny!
 Looks like Papa was the only one to say Cheese!
 Happy Easter everyone!

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