

Monday, October 12, 2015

Follow up Appointment

We had a follow-up appointment with our cardiologist today.  We were a little nervous about how it would go given that  Hattie is so over being poked, having stickers taken off of her chest, and having people listening to her heart.  Maybe it was that she is just sick of being cooped up with us at home and this was a way to get out of the house , but she did really well!  She was pretty patient while they took her bp, weighed and measured her, and while they did the EKG.  She wasn't as patient for the echo, but still did a fairly good job.  I think it helped that they let Paul lay next to her - oh and that we let her taste a sucker for the first time!

After all of that, we met with Dr. Shanthi and she kept saying how great Hattie looks and how good of a job that Dr. Overman did on her heart.  All wonderful things to hear as parents!  We go back at 3 months and 6 months and then if all is looking good, we'll see her yearly. When Hattie is about 20 years old, they'll transition her to a cardiologist for adults.

Apparently the cardioligist at Children's, Dr. Gremmels, liked Hattie a lot and told Dr. Shanthi that he was going to keep her as a patient.  We are so lucky and blessed to have such an amazing group of doctors and nurses that not only medically do a great job with Hattie, but that genuinely seem to like her and care about her. That goes a long way with parents!

Mmmm! A sucker!

Miss Hattie was too busy walking around our room and emptying the contents of my purse onto the floor to sit up on the table so Dr. Shanthi could examine her, so Dr. Shanthi got right down on the floor and did it there.


  1. Didn't realize I could comment! I am so excited and happy for your family that Hattie is doing so well. Thank the Lord - all is good. Your family is awesome - sure wish I would have had a blog like this for my daughter as she was growing up. Enjoy every single moment - both of your kids are just so precious! See you soon!!

  2. Comment above is from Jean B. RiverTown. :)
