

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Little Bit of Peace in My Heart Tonight

For the first time since we found out the we lost Abby on June 7, I am feeling a sense of peace in my heart tonight.  We were fortunate enough to be able to celebrate her with our priest, deacon and leader of faith formation at our church this morning through the Rite of Naming.

I had thought a lot about contacting our priest and deacon, but didn't really know what to ask for.  We couldn't do a funeral because we didn't have her body and do you really do funerals for babies that weren't born?  I thought about a blessing, but again, can you bless someone that isn't physically there?  In the end, a friend of mine encouraged me to contact them because faith is an important part of our life and she thought it would comfort us.

Both were extremely gracious and offered to celebrate her life with us with the Rite of Naming - something that we had never heard of.  We had a private service this morning where we were able to officially name her and have her blessed.  The formality of it made me feel like she was acknowledged, that she existed and confirmed that God loves her more than Paul and I ever could on earth and He has welcomed her into heaven.  We were able to write her name in the book that contains the names of the parishioners that passed away this year and they will all be read at the All Saints Day mass.

Both Fr. Mike and Deacon Rich mentioned that they wish more couples would come forward during miscarriages to pray with them and to celebrate the rite.  I am so glad that we did because I feel like I  have a sense of peace and hopefully my heart can begin to heal.

Two other things that I found that have brought be a lot of comfort are this photo and this quote.


"Every soul that comes into this world comes here with a very specific mission. When that mission is completed, the soul can leave. The holiest of souls need so little time here in this world that some never even make it outside the womb, others only need their heart to beat once, others not even that.
We cannot understand God's ways, but we believe that everything happens for a reason and that nothing is random."

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