

Friday, February 15, 2013

Love is in the Air

This was the first year that we celebrated Valentine's Day as a family instead of a romantic evening for two.  Owen has been learning about hearts and Valentine's Day all week and was excited for the big day to come.  He got to do so many fun activities at Heidi's.  They made bags for their Valentines with doilies and glitter, had a party and decorated heart shaped cookies.

Is it Halloween or Valentine's Day!?!

When we arrived home, we found that Daddy brought an edible arrangement and some chocolate covered strawberries home with him. We ate a heart shaped pizza and enjoyed strawberry banana smoothies for dinner, but since Owen had so many sweets at Heidi's, we skipped the cherry, heart-shaped ice cream cake in the freezer. We'll save that for this weekend!

Loving the balloons!
 Mmmmm...chocolate strawberries

 After dinner, we had a dance party with the fire chief
 And then we had some fun with stickers!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


  1. Hello, I saw the link from your site to mine and was excited to see another Owen, with red hair, who, it seems, is in Minnesota. (I noticed Vikings and Gophers shirts). I look forward to seeing what you're up to with your Owen, he looks like a very fun boy.

    1. I was excited to find your little rehead preemie Owen too! Our Owen turns 3 this week, but was born at 29 weeks and spent 7 weeks at St. Paul Children's.

      Are your boys LOVING your amazing new playroom!?! How fun is that!
